Ask five school administrators across the country about the challenges facing their district and many will come up with similar concerns. Running a school district that meets the highest standards for students is no easy task. No matter where the district is geographically, the same five challenges arise.
Administrators must figure out the best ways to collect and analyze academic data, how to provide instructional support for teachers, how to manage assessments, and how to continually integrate new technology. And they must do it all within a budget.
Castle Learning has the tools and components educators need to help with these common district challenges.
Data Driven Decisions
Today’s teachers need to analyze and interpret data from their students to influence their growth and record their progress. However, without the correct tools, the data can easily be overlooked or ineffectively processed. Castle Learning is designed to track student data, allowing teachers to efficiently see which skills and concepts individual students are missing.
Instructional Support
Teachers and administrators will always have full access to support with Castle Learning as they learn how to best implement the many tools available. Common Core alignment and effective ELL/ESL tools are just a few of the support features teachers can use. Castle Learning can be used as an effective remediation resource, a center for summer school activities, or a data collecting program. Best of all, it encourages parent participation in their child’s education when students log in from home.
With so many assessments students must prepare for, teachers will discover how Castle Learning is the ideal tool for designing quality assessments, deliverable both online or offline. They can be designed to prepare students for state tests, Smarter Balanced Assessments and PARCC Assessments. Teachers can also adjust the rigor of the questions for more individualized learning.
Castle Learning is designed to support classroom instruction. Key functions such as Text-to-Speech integration, technology based student assistance, and 1:1 applications give teachers confidence that their students are getting the most out of an online program as they continue to grow and succeed by using Castle Learning.
There’s no question that school budgets are tight and it’s hard to implement new programs and technologies. Castle Learning is conscious of these restrictions. The cost of multiple tools with overlapping capabilities can be expensive. Castle Learning provides a comprehensive learning platform that addresses all your needs to ensure your school’s investment will be one that benefits everyone.