These introductory topics allow students to answer questions about simple social studies ideas, like identifying types of sources, or understanding chronology and timelines.
- Studying Books & Other Sources
- Chronology
From Native Americans to recent events, these topics span the history of the United States. Simple questions assess a basic framework of knowledge that young students can build on in the future
- Early America (Beginnings to 1492)
- Exploration, Colonization & Settlement (1492-1763)
- Revolutionary War (1763-1783)
- The New Nation (1783-1815)
- Expansion, Reform & Controversy (1815-1860)
- Civil War & Reconstruction (1850-1877)
- Rise of Industrial America (1860-1900)
- Progressivism and War (1880-1920)
- Between the Wars (1920-1939)
- World War II (1930s-1945)
- Cold War Era (1945-1970s)
- Contemporary Era (1970s-Present)
Topics in these categories focus on the big ideas that young students learn when first introduced to other cultures and civilizations. Questions focus on art, literature, and celebrations in different communities
- Defining Culture & Civilization
- Understanding Culture Through Art & Literature
- Characteristics of Different Communities
- Impact of Technology on our World
- International Holidays & Festivals
Introductory knowledge about civic engagement, patriotic symbols, local and national governments, elections, and significant documents are topics that are stressed at the elementary level
- Citizenship Knowledge
- United States Government
- Global Government
Students who are learning to read and understand maps can answer questions about geographic locations and features. Topics also include the five themes of geography and effects of human-environmental interactions.
- Basic Concepts
- Map Skills
- Human-Environmental Interactions
Middle School
These introductory topics allow students to answer questions about basic social studies knowledge, like identifying types of sources, or understanding chronology and timelines.
- Social Studies Tools
- Culture & Civilization
From Native Americans to recent events, these topics span the history of the United States. Intermediate questions assess fundamental concepts and application of skills that students can build on in the future
- Early America (Beginnings to 1492)
- Exploration, Colonization & Settlement (1492-1763)
- Revolutionary War (1763-1783)
- The New Nation (1783-1815)
- Expansion, Reform & Controversy (1815-1860)
- Civil War & Reconstruction (1850-1877)
- Rise of Industrial America (1860-1900)
- Progressivism and War (1880-1920)
- Between the Wars (1920-1939)
- World War II (1930s-1945)
- Cold War Era (1945-1970s)
- Contemporary Era (1970s-Present)
From the first people to recent international events, these topics span the history of our world. Intermediate questions assess fundamental concepts and application of skills that students can build on in the future
- The First People (Prehistory – 3500 BC)
- Ancient Civilizations (4000 BC-250 BC)
- Classical Civilizations (2100 BC-500 AD)
- Comparative Religions
- Cultures in Contact (100-1500)
The Middle Ages in Europe (800-1500) - New Asian Empires (1200-1800)
- Renaissance & Reformation (1300-1650)
- Exploration & Expansion (1400-1700)
- Changes in Europe (1500-1800)
Industrialization, Nationalism & - Imperialism (1700-1920)
- The World at War (1914-1945)
- The 20th Century and Beyond(1945-Present)
- Moving Forward Globally
Intermediate knowledge and application of skills about civic engagement, local and national governments, types of leadership across the world, elections, and significant documents are topics that are stressed at the middle school level
- Citizenship Knowledge
- United States Government
- Global Government
Students can apply skills to read and understand maps, and answer questions about geographic locations and features. Topics also include the five themes of geography and effects of human-environmental interactions
- Basic Concepts
- Map Skills
- Human-Environmental Interactions
Basic knowledge and application of economic concepts and systems are assessed at the middle school level
- Basic Terms and Concepts
- Economic Systems
High School
These introductory topics allow students to answer questions about basic social studies knowledge, like identifying types of sources, or understanding chronology and timelines.
- Social Studies Tools
- Culture and Civilization
- Geography and Map Skills
From Native Americans to recent events, these topics span the history of the United States. High school questions assess leveled concepts and application of skills for college and career readiness.
- Exploration, Colonization and Settlement (1492-1763)
- Revolutionary War (1763-1783)
- The New Nation (1783-1815)
- Expansion, Reform, and Controversy (1815-1860)
- Civil War and Reconstruction (1850-1877)
- Rise of Industrial America (1860-1900)
- Progressivism and War (1880-1920)
- Between the Wars (1920-1939)
- World War II (1930s-1945)
- Cold War Era (1945-1970s)
- Contemporary Era (1970s-Present)
From the first people to recent international events, these topics span the history of our world. High school questions assess leveled concepts and application of skills for college and career readiness.
- The First People (Prehistory-3500 B.C.)
- Ancient Civilizations (4000 B.C.-250 B.C.)
- Classical Civilizations (2100 B.C.-500 A.D.)
- Comparative Religions
- Cultures in Contact (100-1500)
- The Middle Ages in Europe (800-1500)
- New Asian Empires (1200-1800)
- Renaissance & Reformation (1300-1650)
- Exploration & Expansion (1400-1700)
- Changes in Europe (1500-1800)
- Industrialization, Nationalism, and
- Imperialism (1700-1920)
- The World at War (1914-1945)
- The 20th Century and Beyond (1945-Present)
- Moving Forward Globally
Knowledge and application of skills about civic engagement, local and national governments, global governments, elections, international organizations, and significant documents both nationally and internationally can be found here. In addition, the 100 questions on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services – CIvics Test are included in the high school database.
- Citizenship Knowledge
- United States Government
- Global Government
- USCIS Citizenship Test
Knowledge and application of microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, and interactions with government are concepts that are assessed at the high school level.
- Introduction to Economics
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Economics and the Government
- Global Economics