These introductory topics are foundational to the study of science and contribute to the development of scientific literacy. Through the understanding of scientific principles, methods, and inquiry techniques problems can be solved and new knowledge gained.
- Cause/Effect Relationships
- Classifying Objects
- Instrumentation/Laboratory Equipment
- Measurement
- Safety
Earth/Environmental Science covers a wide range of topics including the structure and components of the Earth, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Ecology
- The Earth, Moon, and Sun
- Locating Positions on Earth
- The Dynamic Earth
- Rocks & Minerals
- Moisture, Weather, & Climate
- Heating The Earth & Earth Energy
- Astronomy
- The Changing Environment
Biological/Life Science spans a vast number of topics and skills starting with the cell, the basic building block of life, and continuing the discovery of important structures and organelles and advancing into development of organ systems. Also, included is the organisms ability to “keep healthy”.
- The Cell
- Genetics
- Evolution
- Ecology
- Animal Studies
- Plant Studies
Physical Science covers topics in both Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry topics range from the atom- the building block of matter-, development of the Periodic Table, and chemical reactions. Physics topics range from Newton’s Laws of Motion to Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, and waves. An intoduction to Nuclear Physics is included.
- Physical Behavior Of Matter
- Energy
- Electricity And Magnetism
Middle School
These introductory topics are foundational to the study of science and contribute to the development of scientific literacy. Through the understanding of scientific principles, methods, and inquiry techniques problems can be solved and new knowledge gained.
- Accuracy/Precision
- Density
- Identifying Variables/Controls
- Instrumentation/Laboratory Equipment
- Measurement
- Recording/Interpreting Data
- Scientific Method
- Scientific Notation
- Significant Figures
Earth/Environmental Science covers a wide range of topics including the structure and components of the Earth, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Ecology
- The Earth, Moon, and Sun
- Locating Positions on Earth
- History Of The Earth
- The Dynamic Earth
- Rocks & Minerals
- Erosion & Deposition
- Moisture, Weather, & Climate
- Astronomy
- The Changing Environment
Biological/Life Science spans a vast number of topics and skills starting with the cell, the basic building block of life, and continuing the discovery of important structures and organelles and advancing into development of organ systems. Also, included is the organisms ability to “keep healthy”.
- The Cell
- Genetics
- Homeostasis
- Ecology
- Classification
- Animal Studies
- Plant Studies
Physical Science covers topics in both Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry topics range from the atom- the building block of matter-, development of the Periodic Table, and chemical reactions. Physics topics range from Newton’s Laws of Motion to Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, and waves. An intoduction to Nuclear Physics is included.
- The Atom
- The Periodic Table
- Physical Behavior Of Matter
- Kinetics
- Energy
- Electricity And Magnetism
- Waves
High School
These introductory topics are foundational to the study of science and contribute to the development of scientific literacy. Through the understanding of scientific principles, methods, and inquiry techniques problems can be solved and new knowledge gained.
- Accuracy/Precision
- Density
- Identifying Variables/Controls
- Instrumentation/Laboratory Equipment
- Measurement
- Recording/Interpreting Data
- Scientific Method
- Scientific Notation
- Significant Figures
Earth/Environmental Science covers a wide range of topics including the structure and components of the Earth, Meteorology, Astronomy, and Ecology
- The Earth, Moon, and Sun
- Locating Positions on Earth
- History Of The Earth
- The Dynamic Earth
- Rocks & Minerals
- Erosion & Deposition
- Moisture, Weather, & Climate
- Astronomy
- The Changing Environment
Biological/Life Science spans a vast number of topics and skills starting with the cell, the basic building block of life, and continuing the discovery of important structures and organelles and advancing into development of organ systems. Also, included is the organisms ability to “keep healthy”.
- The Cell
- Genetics
- Homeostasis
- Ecology
- Classification
- Animal Studies
- Plant Studies
Physical Science covers topics in both Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry topics range from the atom- the building block of matter-, development of the Periodic Table, and chemical reactions. Physics topics range from Newton’s Laws of Motion to Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, and waves. An intoduction to Nuclear Physics is included.
- The Atom
- The Periodic Table
- Physical Behavior Of Matter
- Kinetics
- Energy
- Electricity And Magnetism
- Waves