The Theology component focuses on the high school level. The questions are structured to a set of topics and sub-topics with over 980 questions for supporting instruction.
The topics and sub-sections include:
The Revelation of Jesus Christ in Scripture
- How Do We Know about God?
- About Sacred Scripture
- Understanding Scripture
- Overview of the Bible
- The Gospels
- Challenges
Who Is Jesus Christ?
- God and Revelation
- Jesus Christ’s Revelation about God
- The Mystery of the Incarnation
- Jesus Christ Teaches Us about Ourselves
- Challenges
The Mission of Jesus Christ (The Paschal Mystery)
- The Goodness of Creation and Our Fall from Grace
- The Promise of a Messiah
- Christ Our Light: Redemption Unfolds
- Redemption Through the Paschal Mystery
- Moral Implications for the Life of a Believer
- Prayer in the Life of a Believer
- Challenges
Jesus Christ’s Mission Continues in the Church
- Christ Established His One Church to Continue His Presence and His Work
- Images of the Church (Partial Insights of Church Sharing in Trinitarian Communion)
- The Marks of the Church
- The Church in the World
- Implications for Life of a Believer
- Challenges
Sacraments as Privileged Encounters with Jesus Christ
- The Sacramental Nature of the Church
- The Sacraments of Initiation
- Sacraments of Healing
- Sacraments at the Service of Communion
- Challenges to Worship and Sacrament
Life in Jesus Christ
- What Is Life in Christ?
- God Has Taught Us How to Live a New Life in Christ
- Living New Life in Christ Jesus and the Gospel Message Are the Basis for Catholic Moral Teaching
- The Reality of Sin
- Challenges
History of the Catholic Church
- Christ Established His Church to Continue His Saving Presence and Work
- History of Church in Post-Apostolic Times: The Early Church
- History of Church in Post-Apostolic Times: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- History of the Church in Post-Apostolic Times: The Call for Reform through the Age of Enlightenment]
- History of the Church in Post-Apostolic Times: Vatican I to the Present
- History of the Church in Post-Apostolic Times: The Church in the United States
- Challenges