It’s that time of year; summer has come to an end and teachers and students are returning to the hallowed halls of school. The beginning of the year sets the tone for the entire year to come, and teachers know how important it is to make those first few weeks productive and successful.
Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind as you put the finishing touches on your room and start welcoming your new students to your classrooms for the first time this fall.
Everyone arrives the week before students to focus on getting their classrooms in order. While you are doing this, make sure to take time and say hello to your fellow teachers and stop by to communicate with the administrators. A simple check in to see how their summer went and let them know how excited you are to start the year off will create a positive community amongst you and the rest of the faculty. It establishes a nice foundation for future discussions and meetings to come throughout the school year.
This is the year you plan to hit the gym before school every morning. This is the year you plan to run extra clubs after school. This is the year you plan to host more social events for your colleagues. This is the year you plan to take classes at a local college. Every year teachers are ready to expand their minds and better themselves outside of the classroom, but adding to an already rigorous teaching schedule is not something to be done all at once. Take simple steps and ease into the year; get your routine set before you start adding to it. Too much at once will lead to burnout.
Start simple. Soon enough you’ll be in the routine of the year and days and weeks will fly by as you seek to take advantage of every minute of the day. However, those first few days can be exhausting, so make sure you don’t concern yourself with details you will be working on down the line. Help make the transition into the new year easier on yourself by focusing on what needs to be done now. Be mindful of the work you are doing and don’t let the stress of upcoming days and weeks interfere with being your best in the moment.
The change from a summer schedule to the busy long days and nights of the school year can be taxing on a teacher’s health. Stress management is key, and the simplest way to keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed is to dedicate yourself to maintaining a healthy lifestyle while teaching. Set aside some time to exercise during the week, make sure you get the right amount of sleep, and keep an eye on your diet. The beginning of the year when the workload is extra heavy might cause teachers to lean on caffeine and sugary foods. A treat is always okay, but make sure you’re getting the right nutrients consistently. A healthy diet, exercise, and rest will make the new year transition much smoother.
What are some tricks you follow to make back to school time a smooth transition from summer?