Effective note taking is a key strategy to helping students find success in education. Traditional note-taking techniques such as outlining, mapping and annotating can still be successful. Even more importantly, they can be implemented with emerging digital technologies. Today’s devices continue the crucial lesson of note taking in the digital classroom.
The traditional method of outlining can be done right on a student’s tablet, laptop or even phone! Encourage students to use a note-taking or word processing program while they study their texts to keep track of important main ideas and details. This creates a digital record of key points and concepts and is easy to reference in future study sessions. Students can even take notes during lessons.
Visual learners often prefer to take dense ideas and break them down into simpler form to make them more digestible when reviewing. There are many apps and word processing programs that give students the tools to create concept maps on any subject. . Organizing information and displaying it visually can help improve the chance for success for many students.
The Cornell Note Taking Method creates a constant flow of connections, summaries, and questions about what the student is reading. PDF programs allow students to type these notes and questions right in the margins of the text. Students can annotate as they read. Take advantage of tablets and other devices that let students interact with the text. Text engagement and note typing helps students create better understanding as they study.
Most devices allow students to record. Students can record lectures in class or even speak their thoughts and analyses after reading text at home. Some students find it beneficial to review oral notes when preparing for exams or projects.
How do you have students implement note taking in the digital classroom?