In 2016, NYS Education Department issued guidelines and an implementation timeline for a revised Global II Regents examination. The first administration of the new exam is planned for June 2019. The exam will be based on the NYS K–12 Social Studies Framework and incorporates the principles of Evidence-Centered Design (ECD). One key feature of the new exam: all multiple-choice questions will incorporate one or more stimuli (map, chart, graph, quotation, excerpt, poster, artwork, etc.) and will be formulated on the basis of a set of pre-determined task models.
For the past year, Castle Learning has been hard at work studying the materials and implementing a plan of action to address the challenges posed by the revised exam. Over the next few months, look for releases of new questions and public assignments targeted to the new question models. While the revised exam will focus only on post-1750 topics, Castle Learning is developing new question types on pre-1750 topics as well, providing Global I teachers and students some valuable practice in preparing for the Global II exam.
What questions or concerns do you have about the new exam? Ask us on twitter