Online testing and assignments continue to become more of the norm in schools. Student access to technology makes them comfortable with these forms of learning. Taking advantage of these skills means having students complete their assessments in digital formats. However, it also means the opportunity to cheat has evolved as well. Here are some ways to curb online cheating:
Locked Browsers
To make sure students don’t open browsers and research answers to their questions while completing online tests and assignments, schools can put locks on other websites to restrict student access to the testing site only.
Timed Assignments
With all the access to the internet via phones, watches, and the devices students are completing their assignments on, it can be daunting finding ways to avoid them opening browsers and searching for answers. By putting timers on the assignments, requiring students to submit their exams in fixed time amounts, it limits them from spending precious minutes looking up answers.
Hard Copies of Assignments
If there are students who are suspected of using the internet to cheat, it can be useful to change up their methods of assessment by having them also take their exams on paper. This will make sure they are held accountable to study the material and not rely on looking up answers online.
Monitor Students
One of the most tried-true methods is to closely monitor the students’ screens during the test to make sure they are on task and not looking up information to help them cheat.
What are some ways you curb online cheating in your classroom?