After a (hopefully) restful summer break, it’s time for teachers to dive back into the taxing routine of the school year. Early rising, busy days of teaching, planning, prepping; and evenings spent teaching, coaching, planning, prepping and grading leaves little time to take care of oneself.
This is a reminder that by maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime throughout the year, those long days and nights will only be easier. Here are five ways for teachers to make sure they are keeping healthy with personal fitness.
Yoga is an exercise for both the mind and the body as it incorporates therapeutic breathing and stretches. For many teachers with hectic daily schedules, it may just be the ideal counter-balance. Yoga studios offer classes for all levels and once you become better at the technique– who says you can’t downward dog in your classroom before the students arrive? Namaste!
Simple and effective. Many teachers start their mornings with a jog. It can help clear your mind for the challenges of the day ahead, and it’s a cardio workout to help keep you fit, especially with the endless days of faculty members’ birthdays constantly tempting you with cake. If you’re new to running, start small and slowly build up your distances and speed. Signing up for a 5K or a marathon after the school year is a great way to create a goal oriented running program. RunKeeper is a great app available for Apple and Android phones for setting a routine, and marking your progress with runs.
Gym Membership
You probably drive past a fitness center on your way to school every day. Why not stop in and get that membership? Fitness centers offer machines for cardio (bikes, treadmills, ellipticals) depending on what works better for you. They have free weights and machines to help you build strength. Many offer group classes for aerobics and even boot camps, sure to keep you in shape. If you’re new to working out, take advantage of beginner offers with a personal trainer to help you learn the ropes and set you up with a plan for success.
If you’ve been working out on your own for a while, or are just bored of the loneliness of training on your own, you may be up to the challenge that is CrossFit. CrossFit is a group session, strength based workout that combines aerobic and anaerobic exercises. It’s never easy, in fact, you may be wondering mid-workout why anyone would put themselves through such physical hardships. However the results are like nothing else. You’ll find yourself lifting heavy weights and jumping high atop boxes, as fast as you can! Plus, most CrossFits offer early morning and evening classes, ideal for the teacher looking to sweat out the stress before or after school.
This isn’t the spin class of old, SoulCycle is a cult of positivity and endorphins. This stationary bike class is led by an instructor who creates a dance party, a therapy session, and an affirmation heart pumping workout. You are guaranteed to sweat out all that ails you and have the time of your life while you cycle to a higher level of happiness. It will make every work day a positive, healthy experience.
What are ways you keep fit during the school year? Which of the above have you tried? We’d love to hear your teacher’s exercise experience!