The New June 2019 New York State Regents exam in Global History & Geography is now available on Castle Learning.
Teacher Access
You can search for individual questions by level and topic. Alternatively, you can use one of our ready-to-go pre-made assignments:
- Just the multiple-choice section of the exam
- The full 28-question Multiple Choice section together with the Short Answer Constructed Response Questions and the Enduring Issues Essay
Both options are found in Castle Learning’s Public Assignments section.
Castle Learning users can use NYS Regents exams in many ways:
- pre- and post-tests
- end of course state test preparation
- practice review throughout the year
Teachers can assign questions to students as a simple quiz with no feedback, or as an open practice assignment with clickable vocabulary links, hints, reasons and instant feedback.
Teachers can choose individual questions from specific Regents exams by creating a new assignment and using the Public Assignments tab. Exams are listed by Regents date; assignments that aren’t labeled “FULL EXAM” include only the multiple choice portions. Scroll through the assignments to find the exam you’re looking for. Be sure to choose the correct course name as shown below:
Teachers can find the full Regents exams by searching the Public Assignments in the course: Social Studies –>Global History and Geography –> Castle Assignments –> New York as shown below:
Click on the checkbox and then the “Import” button. The exam will now appear on your Global History and Geography assignment list!
Student Self-Study
Students can also access the Regents exams directly. On the Student Home page, click Self-Study and set the option to Rocket Mode. Click the Regents Exam button.
Set the option to Social Studies and look under Global History and Geography!