The Science Content Team is excited to announce the first of our AP Science Courses, AP Physics. The course is available as of September 1, 2017.
There are 131 questions currently in our database. To access the AP Physics questions, follow one of the three steps below:
- Keyword Search
You can search for the AP Physics questions by utilizing our new feature, Keyword Search, following these steps:
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- Level M as well as Topics
Under Topics, select “AP Science”. Click the “+” next to “AP Physics”. As the tree expands, select the specific topics for an assignment
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- Public Assignments
The questions can also be found in Public Assignments. There are two assignments listed. Either select the entire assignment or individual questions from each assignment.
To access the AP Physics public assignments, follow these steps:
- Log in to CastleLearning
- Choose Assignments
- From the drop-down menu, select Science
- Select “Create from Public Assignments“
- At the list of courses, click the “+” next to Science
- Click the “+” next to AP Physics
- Click the “+” next to Castle Assignments
- Click the “+” next to All States
- Scroll down the list of exams to the appropriate Regents Exam
- Check the box in front of the exam
- Click “Import” at the bottom of the page. The exam is now available on the teachers’ assignment page