The Science Content Team is very pleased to announce two new Public Assignments, both dealing with the ecosystem of the Myakka River in Central Florida. The first assignment is for Elementary level students; the second is for Intermediate students, but can serve as a good review for High School.
The assignments are based on a short video shot on the Myakka River/Myakka Lake. They cover a wide range of topics from the geology and history of the wetlands to the ecosystem itself. Both assignments are housed in Public Assignments section. Teachers can select the entire project or any number of questions they deem necessary.
The Elementary assignment is based almost entirely on the video while the Intermediate assignment, somewhat larger, requires the student to think “outside the box” and base their answers not only on the information provided in the video, but also on their own knowledge of various science topics.
To access these Public Assignments:
- From your Teacher Center click the Assignments link.
- Click the Create from Public Assignments button.
- Click the plus signs next to Science -> Science -> Castle Assignments -> All States.
- Choose the Public Assignment(s) you wish to use!