State assessments across the nation have been postponed. While students may be celebrating, teachers are scrambling to figure out how to conduct an end of year assessment as required by their administration. In many schools, the state assessment is used as the “final exam.”
Castle Learning’s database of nearly 175,000 questions could be the answer to teachers’ end of year assessment woes. With a multitude of question types and topics spanning the core subjects as well as several ancillary courses, Castle’s question database provides teachers the flexibility to curtail their course finals based on when class instruction ended – or where the teacher feels students have adequately learned the course materials.
Castle Learning provides previously given state assessments in New York as well as released state assessment questions from several other states. Teachers can quickly grab these questions and use them as all or part of their end of year assessment. They can easily modify the pre-made assignments, adding and removing questions they feel would work best for their students. Modifications don’t have to be standardized, teachers have the ability to make multiple end of year assessments for their students. They don’t have to give the same exam to all of their students. They can differentiate the exam on a per need basis.
Question Types
Teachers will find a vast variety of question types in our extensive database. There are several different types of multiple choice questions – standard multiple choice, select all that apply, multi option and radio button. They’ll also find more advanced question types like drag and drop, graphic organizer, and time lines. Part II and III type questions range from just a few words response to full out essays. There are question sets linked to reading passages of all genres, lengths, and reading levels. DBQ and source writing models are also available.
All of Castle’s questions are linked to state standards as well as Bloom’s Taxonomy and Webb’s Depth of Knowledge.
If you need help creating assessments, contact Customer Support at 800-345-7606, email, or via our Chat window (when available).