It’s becoming more essential for school districts to develop assessments that are standard for all their schools. Beyond state exams, data from benchmark tests allows districts to compare classes and students, as well as to identify which areas need to be developed more to reach expectations. Technology gives districts new pathways to quickly distribute and score assessments for instant data to inform every school in the district.
Online assessment builders like Castle Learning allow administrators to create exams that can be given district-wide. All teachers can access the exam and all teachers can analyze the data. This can help individual teachers adjust their lessons to address problem areas within their classrooms. It also creates a sense of community across individual schools, allowing for sharing of assignments and assessments.
Since students are already familiar with Castle Learning’s online platform in their individual classes, they can take the district-wide benchmark exam with ease.
By working together, school districts can create educational environments that foster a challenging and successful standard for all students. Technology unites all learners and creates an easy, fair way to assess all students as they work toward educational goals throughout all schools in the district.