The chalkboard and whiteboard have long been staples in every classroom. Technology has since replaced these old standards with digital interactive boards. However, not all teachers are using interactive boards to their fullest advantage.
Interactive boards allow teachers to do so much more than display notes for students to copy into their notebooks. They can connect to the internet to display multiple types of media to enhance lessons and students’ understanding of new concepts.
Here are some ways teachers can start taking full advantage of interactive boards today:
Teachers can instantly access the web to display or assign supplemental materials that will enhance students’ overall understanding. As they teach, they can easily pull up videos, graphics, visual aids, and quizzes to add new dimensions to the lesson.
Student engagement is always a priority for teachers. Interactive boards allow students to work out problems digitally right on the board. Students are tech savvy and this allows them to use their developed skills to better understand and foster new ones. Students can share their answers digitally from their own devices while learning from others.
Because interactive boards allow for more than just text, teachers can utilize different colors, fonts, and even graphics to stimulate their students’ absorption of the new topics presented. Digital presentations can ensure students have a deeper understanding of the information being shared.
Teachers can save daily work and lessons, making it accessible to students even when they are outside of the classroom. This encourages review and study at home where students can directly see the day’s work digitally and continue the learning process anywhere.
How have you used interactive boards in your classroom?