The exhaustive end of the school crashes down on us like a wave. It’s sometimes difficult to come up from it and be ready to take advantage of the summer break. Here are a few tips:
Make Time For Yourself
- Meditate
- Exercise
- Relax
- Read
- Journal
This is your summer break. Teaching is one of the most mentally and emotionally exhausting careers and these few weeks over summer are needed for you to fully recharge.
Keep Summer Hours
- Keep it to 4 hours a day
- Take Fridays off
- Take Long Lunch Breaks
- Work with others
There is always work to be done, but make sure you aren’t overworking. Keep a consistent, shorter schedule and make sure you allow yourself to get lost in the company of other teachers and other passions.
Professional Development With Friends
- Plan together
- Take Professional Development Courses together
- Take trips together
- Go out socially with colleagues
There are always Professional Development events and courses to take over the summer. Why not make them more enjoyable by attending with your teaching friends. Often over the summer, teachers go their seperate ways. Why not continue the bi-monthly Happy Hour meet up or schedule some road trips with each other. It’s a great time to strengthen your working relationships which will help you later on in the classroom.
Personal Development
- Read
- Take College Courses
- Visit Museums
- Travel to new cities/countries
Teachers become caught up in their professional development within their specialties, but a well-rounded learner makes a great teacher. Use the summer as a time to explore all of your other passions and learn and experience as much as you can.
Teachers have a chance to reload and recharge over the summer. Make sure you are ready to take full advantage with a plan of action.
Share with us different ways you schedule your summer. We’d love to hear more ideas!