Castle Learning is a tool for educators to help them improve their workflow and reach their goals. It’s also key to helping students excel. The many facets of Castle Learning are provided to impact each student.
Whether a student needs help in a particular subject, wants to boost his GPA for college applications, or is just looking for a better way to learn, Castle Learning can help. Self-directed activities, hints and explanations, and progress reports are aligned to state and/or Core standards, allowing all students to easily increase knowledge in the subject areas of their choice.
Here are some of the ways Castle Learning can impact a student’s ability to reach success at school:
The system is designed to promote continuous learning. When students make an incorrect answer, hints and vocabulary help them improve their knowledge and understanding. An instructional “reason” is also provided to support the correct answer.
- Hints point students in the direction of the right answer
- Reasons explain why the correct answer is correct
- Related vocabulary provides definitions of key terms and concepts, and makes a great study sheet
Instant feedback is valuable for students to understand the question and the answer, and to improve performance on later assessments.
Students receive real time results, so they know exactly how they are performing. Pertinent, helpful information at a student’s fingertips is an integral part of the review and assessment process.
Students who utilize Castle Learning for self-generated practice in addition to teacher-provided assignments have better results.
- Complete homework, quizzes, tests, and common assessments
- Prepare for state testing
- Practice foundational skills with unlimited Math Skills questions
Since Castle Learning is continuously adding and aligning questions in Math, English, Science and Social Studies, students will have plenty of options to do extra work and improve all their skills.
We live in an “on-the-go” world. Castle Learning is prepared to meet students whenever and wherever they are connected to the internet.
- No software download required
- Access 24/7/365 from computer, tablet, or handheld device
- Mobile site optimized for smartphone interfaces
Students can work on Castle Learning assignments at school, home, or from their smartphone and tablet. Wherever they go, the learning never stops.
A student’s school performance directly affects her future. Castle Learning is here to make sure that impact is positive and successful.