The first day of classes can be a frenzy for everyone. Students are excited and nervous to see who will be in their classes, administrators are excited and hope the school machine is running as expected, and the teachers are prepared to start off on the right foot with their new classes.
Here are some tips for that first day of school to help teachers step into their classroom spotlight and begin the year with excellence.
Tip 1 – Be Welcoming
Keep in mind students are often super nervous on the first day. Make sure you are at your door as they approach the classroom and welcome them. Make them feel at ease as they enter your room, letting them know your classroom is a safe space. It will also help make sure they are in the right room!
Tip 2 – Set Expectations
First thing that needs to be done is to clearly explain your expectations for the students in your classroom. Use this first day to fully detail the rules. You want students to know how to operate first thing, so tomorrow you can get started with the work at hand.
Tip 3 – Be Prepared
Learning your students names before they arrive will also help in easing them into the culture of your classroom. Having a prepared seating chart will show them that you come with high expectations of them following your rules.
Tip 4 – Give a First Chance
This is most important for students with negative reputations, or students with siblings you’ve taught in previous years. Whatever the buzz on your new student is, make sure they know that today is a fresh start for every student in the class. They have a chance to create their own story, free from any past influences.
Tip 5 – Smile and Relax
Remember to smile. It’s day one of a long year and there’s so much to do, but it doesn’t mean you have to project any stress. Everyone will feel better, students and colleagues if they see you smiling and excited for the new school year. And even if the first day doesn’t go perfectly as planned– relax! There’s always day two.