High school students and their parents know students are approaching a pivotal time in their education. Just around the bend, students will be off to college to ready themselves for their careers beyond school. It’s never too early to start making plans for college applications. There are even ways to start getting ahead in college when students are still in high school. More and more states are offering programs that allow students to earn college credit while still in high school.
For a long time, AP students understood how their accelerated programs could lead to credits that could be transferred to their colleges and give them a running start. States such as Ohio are now opening up even more opportunities.
As the cost of college continues to rise, a chance to save money is ideal. Students can begin working toward a degree without paying tuition. In Ohio, many college level courses end up being free of cost. That’s right, free college courses for high school students!
They call it Ohio’s College Credit Plus which acts as a program that allows high school students to take college courses from community colleges and universities. It’s ideal for the student who is ready for more rigorous academic challenges and helps give them a taste of what will be expected of them when they enter college full time. Taking courses now may help students decide on majors even before their first full semester.
High schools are setting up agreements with local colleges, but students aren’t limited to just those. There are options to take courses at any college that is part of the program. Courses can even be taken online for extra convenience to the students and their parents.
More and more states are offering such programs. Contact your high school to find out more and get ready to help your students embark on an opportunity that will challenge them with high-level learning, prepare them for college, and help save them money in the future.