A flipped classroom model has become a popular teaching module. It’s a way to put initial subject exploration and the reinforcement of learning results in the students’ hands. Teachers present the necessary material and assignments and facilitate the processing of the information in class, allowing the students to demonstrate what they’ve learned on their own.
There are three main components that make for a successful flipped classroom:
Students complete activities to prepare for class. Pre-assessments with immediate feedback reinforce students’ learning and provide teachers with data regarding initial concept comprehension.
Teachers facilitate class activities to help students review and apply material learned before class time. Pre-assessment data helps maximize instructional time.
Students engage in additional review and knowledge checks to reinforce learning and assess concept comprehension. Results can be compared to show growth and mastery.
Preparation is the key with any new teaching technique or lesson plan. Setting up assignments and assessments is invaluable to the success of the flipped classroom. After class, teachers need to assess the data received from pre-work. They also need to be prepared to help students reach the point where they can finish the work on their own.
With the right amount of preparation, monitoring, and assessment, a flipped classroom can be a successful change for students.