Administrators continually seek out high-functioning Professional Development opportunities for their teachers and staff. They realize time is valuable and want the most benefits out of these trainings and lectures.
Castle Learning has a solution to fit the needs of teachers and administrators. Every subscription includes complimentary training to give teachers multiple ways to use this tool to enhance their teaching. Training includes classroom presentation, teacher assigned reviews and student self-study review, as well as instant assessment methods for students.
Onsite Training
Training can be scheduled before or after school, during the school day, or during staff development days. The minimum training is 90 minutes, with teachers often using extra time to create assignments.
Video Tutorials
The Castle Learning Video Tutorials provide an option of independent instruction for teachers. These short videos allow teachers to watch and learn as their schedules allow.
Customized Webinars – Request a Live Customized Webinar on the date, time and topic that best meets the needs of your teachers. This is a great option when you have a whole group with limited time or only just a few teachers that need training.
Webinar Catalog -Teachers can register for 30-45 minute live online sessions offered in our Castle Learning Webinar Catalog.
Variety of Training Sessions
The options below are for teachers, administrators and turn-key trainers. They can fit into the onsite, video or webinar style options. You may also request additional training ideas or suggest your own based on the needs of your school.
Refresher/Beginner Training
- All Grades PreK-12
- Math, Science, ELA, Social Studies, Spanish, French, Music, Special Ed.
Attendees will learn how to create and manage classes, create assignments for review or assessments, assign to students with custom features of due dates and ReadSpeaker options, as well as view the data that is created automatically in a variety of valuable reports. Assignments can be given online or printed. Multiple Choice, Fill-in and Constructed Response question types are available.
- All Grades PreK-12
- All Content Areas
Must have already used a Castle Learning assignment with students this school year or last.
Attendees will learn how to grade constructed response questions, create advanced reports and public assignments, and how to access state exams or samplers of the exams. They will also learn how to create flashcards, how to organize assignments into folders and share assignment shells with other teachers, how to duplicate assignments, and how to write your own question within the Personal Content Sets area as time will allow. There will be time for Q&A throughout the session.
Special Area Teachers Only
- All Grades PreK-12
- Special area teachers NOT listed under the regular Level 1.
Attendees will learn how to create and manage classes, create assignments for review or assessments from questions they have written or copied and pasted into the Personal Content Sets area, assign to students with custom features of due dates and ReadSpeaker options, as well as view the data that is created automatically in a variety of valuable reports. Assignments can be given online or printed. Multiple Choice, Fill-in and Constructed Response question types are available.
Write Your Own or Edit Castle Learning Questions Using the Personal Content Sets Feature
- All Grades PreK-12
- All Content Areas
Attendees will learn how to use the Personal Content Sets Area to write their own MC, Fill-in, or Constructed Response questions, create Flashcards and edit an existing Castle Learning question. In addition, teachers will learn how to use the Attach Document feature within an assignment by creating/importing documents and URL’s in PCS.
Turn-Key Trainer
- Attendee Requirement: Need only 1 or more in attendance – onsite or online.
This session is designed for trainers who will turn-key Castle Learning to other teachers. The combined Level 1 and Level 2 sessions will be covered. Teachers will practice training someone else during the session to be sure there is a clear understanding of the product. Castle provides continuous support and online training as needed for the Turn-Key trainer throughout the year.
NYS Regents Review Training for Teachers
- Grades 9-12
- Math, Science, ELA, Social Studies, Special Ed.
This session will focus on the creation of Regents Reviews for students using prior year’s Regents Exams. Teachers will learn how to create and manage classes, assign to students, and print and grade constructed response questions. The teachers will also learn how to use the reports to identify areas of weakness to create follow up assignments for students by standard or topic.
State Exam Review Training for Teachers NY Grades 3-8 Exams
This session will focus on creation of State Exam Reviews for students using samplers created by our content team. Due to copyright laws, only samplers or like exams can be used. Teachers will learn how to create and manage classes, assign to students, and print and grade constructed response questions. The teachers will also learn how to use the reports to identify areas of weakness to create follow up assignments for students by standard or topic.
Spiral Review and Ticket In/Out Door
- Grades 3-12
- Math, Science, ELA, Social Studies, Special Ed.
This session will focus on creating weekly cumulative review assignments using the Add Randomly Selected Questions feature. This allows teachers to select topics covered already in the school year and indicate a certain number of questions to be randomly picked from the group. This is an easy way to create weekly reviews to provide continuous review throughout the year. Teachers will also learn how to use Castle Learning for their Ticket In/Out Door using print and assign to self features.