As with the classic course Regents exams, Castle Learning provides our users with access to the Common Core course Regents exams. They are located in our full Mathematics database. You can search for individual questions by level and topic, or find the complete exams in Castle Learning’s Public Assignments section. In this section, you will find Regents exams for Algebra 1 Common Core and Geometry Common Core. The Algebra 2 Common Core Regents exams will be available once they are released.
You can find the exam by searching the Public Assignments page using the following sequence: Mathematics –> Math –> Castle Assignments –> New York.
Castle Learning users can use these recent NYS Regents exams in many ways:
- pre- and post-tests
- end of course state test preparation
- practice review throughout the year
Teachers can assign the exam to students as a simple quiz with no feedback, or as an open practice assignment with clickable vocabulary links, hints, reasons and instant feedback.