The Math Content Team has released new questions that are aligned to the Common Core standards 7.EE.1 and 7.EE.2. The question types in this release are multiple choice, fill-in, and select all that apply.
Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
- 7.EE.1 – Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.
- 7.EE.2 – Understand that rewriting an expression in different forms in a problem context can shed light on the problem and how the quantities in it are related. For example, a + 0.05a = 1.05a means that “increase by 5%” is the same as “multiply by 1.05.”
Sample tasks that students are asked to complete:
- Use the distributive property to simplify expressions.
- Factor a binomial by identifying the GCF.
- Simplify expressions with fractional coefficients.
- Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context.
- Write a variable expression from a verbal expression.
Sample Questions