Castle Learning Online is looking for New York Math teachers with Algebra 1 Common Core and Algebra 2 Common Core expertise. If you are interested in this freelancer/contractor position, please provide us with a sample of your work. Since you are already familiar with Castle Learning, you realize that our questions follow a certain format. In particular, Castle Learning features multiple choice, fill-in, select all that apply, and constructed response questions in Math.
What to Provide
Please write 5-10 original questions appropriate for use in either the Algebra 1 Common Core course or the Algebra 2 Common Core course. Please provide at least two of the following question formats using the following guidelines:
- MULTIPLE CHOICE: four answer choices with one correct answer; a hint leading students towards the correct answer or away from the wrong answers, without giving the answer away; a reason for the correct answer, which may also explain why the incorrect answers are wrong.
- FILL IN: question and correct answer; a hint leading students towards the correct answer, without giving the answer away; a reason showing the solution.
- SELECT ALL THAT APPLY: any number of answer choices with any number of correct answers; a hint leading students towards the correct answers or away from the wrong answers, without giving the answers away; a reason for the correct answers that also explains why the incorrect answers are wrong.
- CONSTRUCTED RESPONSE: an open-ended question with a fully worked out sample answer.
- Indicate the Common Core Mathematics Standard(s) that apply to each sample question.
Where to Send
Forward your sample questions along with a resume listing your educational background, teaching qualifications, and experience to Jon Jacobs: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you!