Unfortunately, there is not a way to enter these symbols, graphs, or drawings in the program online.
Several of the newly added constructed response questions in math and science require students to use non-standard symbols, graphs, and drawings. Extended response questions in an online product are problematic for these reasons. Yet, they form an integral part of the curriculum in these courses.
In the past, Castle Learning has worked around these issues by converting extended response questions in math and science, wherever possible, to multiple choice or fill-in. That being said, we realize an authentic extended response question requires the student to show his/her work and normally carries a point score of more than 1 credit. So we have recently added these more authentic constructed response questions to the database.
Should teachers wish to use these constructed response questions, we are recommending they create a separate assignment. The assignment can then be printed and given in hard copy form to the students as students do not have the ability to print entire assignments from their accounts. An in-class method would be to use the constructed response questions in combination with our self-assign feature on an overhead projector or SMART board. The students could then answer the questions on a sheet of paper to be graded by the teacher.
Please note, if a teacher chooses instead to include these constructed response questions in an assignment with multiple choice and fill-in questions, they would have to grade the hard copy first and also input the score for each question in order to get a total score for the assignment. Creating separate assignments would allow teachers to still use the questions from the database, but would only require grading the questions on the hard copy though the grade would not be available on Castle Learning.