Attention High School English teachers! Questions for Homer’s classic work The Odyssey are now available on Castle Learning.
There are now 147 questions spanning the 24 books that make up Homer’s epic poem: The Odyssey. There are a variety of question types focusing on different reading skills. Students will be exposed to questions requiring reading skills such as: Identifying factual information, making inferences and drawing conclusions, vocabulary in context, literary terms/devices, theme, mood/tone, etc. There are also several different types of questions including multiple choice, short answer, constructed response, and essay questions.
Whether you’re reading the entire poem with your class or just a short selection from it, this question set is easy to navigate and will provide you with a well rounded question set to use with your students.
To access these questions, please follow these steps:
- From your Teacher Center, click the Assignments
- Select the English Language Arts course from the drop down menu.
- Enter a name for the assignment and click Create New Assignment.
- Click ELA, check the Topics box on the filter by bar, and click START.
- You will find The Odyssey under the nonficiton/mythology topic.
- Click the blue plus signs to expand Greek Mythology: The Odyssey. This title narrows down to more specific areas of the literary work.
- Click the Save Choices & Show me questions button to be taken to the page to view individual questions and add them to your assignment.
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Sample Question: