Four reading sets, accompanied by a series of robust questions, have been added to the database. All of the passages focus on the ethics behind gene cloning and reproduction. The reading selections come from our partner Cobblestone & Cricket Media, an award winning producer of 15 magazines. The questions were written by the ELA Content Team with both CCSS and Engage NY Modules in mind. Teachers will see a progression of questions, and a variety of question types, ranging from simple recall, vocabulary in context, to critical thinking and beyond. These reading sets can be found at level G.
- Deep Freeze – Introduces the reader to cryogenics and cryopreservation
- From Cells to Clones – Discusses the process of cloning and brings to light some of the ethical debates that have risen because of this scientific advancement
- Gene Therapy: The Impossible Dream? – Explains and discusses the benefits of gene therapy and cloning in the field of medicine
- Divide and Survive – The Sand Dollar is a species that naturally clones itself and can teach scientists a great deal